We discuss the requirements with you, our client, and ensure that we are on the same page on everything. This stage’s goal is to fully understand your needs.You will meet with our sales engineer that understands all products and services that matches the needs of your business.We will talk about the overall goal of the project. You will talk about the problems you are experiencing. Then our sales engineer will propose the best solutions for your problems. Once everything is clear and you want to proceed, we will enter a contract that will officially start the project.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln
Planning takes time, but execution will be swift and precise. Our operations manager will oversee the planning stage, dissecting the problem and proposed solutions, then assemble the best team that will work on the project to deliver the result as expected. We will set the schedule of the project and will notify you, the client, about the target completion date of the project.
This is the part where our experts enter the war room to strategize and design the overall structure of the project. Here we will find the best possible ways to turn your ideas into reality in the most efficient and effective means. In this stage we will also specify the technology that we will use and what plan of attack we will do in order to make the project a success. This is also the part where we identify the milestones of the project.
You will be part of the development using Lean methodology. We believe that getting feedback from you in the early stages of development produce not only the best products but also the right one. The project will commence and every milestone completed will notify you – to which you can then offer your feedback. We use Basecamp as our project management tool, but since we know that you are busy to trouble yourself with that, we will provide you with constant updates through email.
Fresh from the oven, made with love, we deliver the final product to you at the pinnacle of perfection. But do not worry, we know that things sometimes break, so we provide extensive support for a very long long time. Since you are involved in the entire development process, the launch will be swift and predictable – which is a great thing during launches. This is the part where the remaining balance will be settled, which signals the completion of the project.
There is no such thing as a “done” project for us. Each project we work on is kept under regular monitoring for possible issues, maintenance, and upgrades. We highly believe that after-sales service should be as accommodating to our clients as during pre-sales. We have different kinds of metrics in place to monitor the performance of our completed projects, and we will jump in at the first sign of trouble to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
We make sure that all our products are always in top condition since they all bear our name, thus we go above and beyond on our after-sales monitoring.

We’re Here To Help Your Business Blast Off!
Through Creative Ideas, Innovation & Technology